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What is Neurolens?

A man undergoes an eye assessment for Neurolens.

If you’re struggling with headaches, eye fatigue, or neck pain, the misalignment of your eyes could be impacting your daily comfort. At Vision Veritas Eyecare, we provide an advanced solution: Neurolens. These innovative lenses are designed to correct eye misalignment, alleviating symptoms like digital eye strain, headaches, and neck tension. But the benefits don’t stop […]

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How Long Does Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Last?

A young woman taking off her glasses to rub her eyes due to discomfort from meibomian gland dysfunction.

If you’ve ever dealt with dry and stinging eyes, you might have been dealing with something called meibomian gland dysfunction. This common problem is easily recognizable by a constant burning sensation in your eyes, leaving you desperate for relief. There is, however, one common issue with meibomian gland dysfunction that many people overlook: it’s often […]

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How to Reduce Eye Strain Caused by Computer

a man is rubbing his eyes in front of a computer due to digital eye strain.

In today’s digital age, many of us find ourselves glued to screens for work, study, and leisure. While technology offers incredible benefits, it also brings the challenge of digital eye strain—a condition that can lead to discomfort, headaches, and even blurred vision. The good news is that there are simple strategies available to alleviate these […]

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What Are The Different Ways To Manage Myopia?

A child with glasses smiling and looking directly at the camera, while an optometrist working on the background.

Many children develop myopia at a young age, which can put their vision at risk if the condition worsens. There are many myopia control treatments available today, including specialized glasses, therapeutic contact lenses and drops. These methods may help slow myopia progression, but how do they work? What is Myopia?  Myopia is a common eye […]

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