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How Long Does Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Last?

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A young woman taking off her glasses to rub her eyes due to discomfort from meibomian gland dysfunction.

If you’ve ever dealt with dry and stinging eyes, you might have been dealing with something called meibomian gland dysfunction. This common problem is easily recognizable by a constant burning sensation in your eyes, leaving you desperate for relief. There is, however, one common issue with meibomian gland dysfunction that many people overlook: it’s often a chronic condition, not temporary.

Usually, meibomian gland dysfunction only lasts for a few weeks at a time, and less if you find treatment with your optometrist. However, if you leave the condition untreated, it can last for months with constant flare-ups.

What Are the Meibomian Glands?

Inside the edge of your eyelids, you have dozens of tiny little glands called meibomian glands. These glands produce oils for your tear film—oils that prevent early evaporation of the tears by giving them a smooth, clear protective film. When they’re healthy, the meibomian glands constantly secrete oils and send them to the tear film. This process is essential for keeping your eyes protected, but sometimes it can get interrupted.

What Is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction?

Sometimes, oils can build up and block these glands, leaving the tear film exposed and unprotected. Other times, the glands themselves simply don’t have the resources needed to produce enough oils for your tears. Either way, this leads to the same result—your tears don’t get the oils needed to protect your eyes, and start to evaporate.

Meibomian gland dysfunction can be caused by:

  • Age-related changes in the eye
  • Certain medications that affect oil production
  • Environmental factors, like wind, smoke, or dry air
  • Underlying medical conditions like diabetes, blepharitis, rosacea and autoimmune disorders
  • Poor diet and nutrition

When the meibomian glands can no longer properly function, this can lead to a condition called “evaporative dry eye,” which is easily recognizable by a constant dry and burning sensation. This condition can be either temporary or chronic depending on the underlying cause.

The Signs of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Recognizing the signs of meibomian gland dysfunction is key; it lets you know that something is wrong and that it’s time to seek treatment. The common signs of this condition include:

  • Dry, itchy, or burning eyes 
  • Redness or inflammation of the eyelids 
  • Blurred vision, especially after prolonged use of screens 
  • Excessive tearing or watery eyes 
  • Sensitivity to light 

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to see your optometrist to discuss treatment.

How to Treat Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Treating meibomian gland dysfunction involves a multi-faceted approach, and a mix of prevention and treatment is key. At Vision Veritas, we typically recommend a combination of:

  • Supplements
  • Eye drops
  • OptiLight
  • TearCare


Your eyes require a complex mix of vitamins and nutrients to create a healthy tear film and keep themselves protected. However, your diet may not be enough to give your tears what you need.

Dietary supplements like omega-3 fatty acids can make a significant difference to eye health. These nutrients help reduce inflammation while also improving the overall quality of your tear film, leading to a substantial reduction of the severity of dry eye syndrome. Not all omega-3 supplements are created equal, so ask us which ones we recommend.

Eye Drops

With dry eye, flare-ups are a common problem. When you experience a sudden increase in symptoms, you can use lubricating eye drops or artificial tears to find temporary relief. Preservative-free drops are best.

However, there are also specialty eye drops designed to do more than just give you relief. These drops—like RESTASIS drops and Xiidra drops—help support the production of healthy tears while simultaneously reducing inflammation, which can help you find long-term relief for your dry eyes by addressing the underlying cause.

An optometrist listening patiently while her patient describes the symptoms of his meibomian gland dysfunction.


Most at-home treatments can help you find a short-term answer, but they can’t always address the underlying cause of your meibomian gland dysfunction. If this is the case, an in-office approach may be needed—like OptiLight by Lumenis.

OptiLight therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to improve meibomian gland function. Gentle amounts of light pulses are applied to the skin around the eyes. This has been shown to decrease potentially inflammatory components that can contribute to symptoms and meibomian gland dropout.

This treatment is quick, only taking a few minutes for each eye and patients usually start noticing a difference after their 3rd (out of 4) treatment sessions. Contact Vision Veritas to schedule an appointment to see if you are a candidate for this cutting-edge technology.


TearCare is another innovative treatment option that focuses on warming and unclogging the meibomian glands. This system involves small wearable devices that deliver gentle amounts of heat to the eyelids, liquefying any thickened oils to encourage a healthy tear film.

Once the oils are warmed, your eyelids are gently massaged to break up any remaining blockages. This treatment is extremely comfortable and efficient, offering you an effective way to find relief from your dry eyes without discomfort. The results are long-lasting and almost immediate.

Find Relief from Your Dry Eyes

Living with meibomian gland dysfunction can be challenging, but the right approach is key to enjoying clear and comfortable vision once more. If you’re experiencing dry and irritated eyes, come see our team at Vision Veritas. We can help you find long-lasting relief, so book an appointment with us today!

Written by Vision Veritas Eyecare

We’re a family-owned and operated business run by sisters Dr. Anita Carleo and Dr. Olivia Carleo. With the help of our expert team of optometrists, we strive to optimize your eye health and tailor your experience to your unique eye health needs, big or small. With our exceptional service and patient care, we show you how much you mean to us.

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